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South African Police Special Task Force Training


The South African Police Special Task Force is an elite unit that requires a high level of physical and mental fitness.

To be selected for training, candidates must meet certain criteria, including completing basic police college training and having two years of active service. They must also be between the ages of 21 and 30 and be non-commissioned officers.

The selection process is rigorous and includes pre-selection, orientation, and a letter of recommendation from the current course officer. Candidates must also undergo a medical examination and psychological assessment.

Once selected, candidates undergo a 3-week preparation phase called PREPCON, which prepares them for the grueling “vasbyt” phase. This phase is designed to test their physical and mental endurance and push them to their limits.

The “vasbyt” phase is the most challenging part of the training and lasts for 90 hours. Candidates are constantly tested and evaluated, and those who fail to meet the standards are eliminated.

After completing the “vasbyt” phase, candidates undergo basic training, which includes weapons training, rural operations, urban operations, hostage release, parachuting, and survival training.

Upon successful completion of the course, members are issued with “wings” to demonstrate that they are free-fall parachute qualified and full-fledged members of the unit. They must then serve for an additional two years and complete advanced training before achieving operator status.

The Special Task Force is an elite unit that requires a high level of dedication and commitment.

Members must continually undertake refresher training to ensure the maintenance of the highest standards of fitness and expertise.

They must also be prepared to depart to any destination within the country at short notice, and their families must be prepared to deal with the uncertainty and tension that comes with being part of the Special Task Force.


Closing Date: 31 July 2024