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Engen Learnership Programme


Engen Learnership Programme Available

Most of the fields that will be available with Engen is in the Chemical industry. Here we have a list of some fields that candidates can consider but there may be more

Fields available:

  • Instrumentation
  • Fitter
  • Electrician
  • Occupational Hygienist
  • Credit Management
  • Instrument Technician
  • Supply Chain
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Safety Manager
  • Land Transport Safety
  • Computer Science
  • Information Systems

The company offers a 12-month learnership with a monthly stipend to successful candidates.


The Engen Learnerships offer some requirements or criteria for the candidates. Of course, those requirements will represent the personality of the candidates and selected carefully by the team. First of all, you have to prepare your latest matriculation of pure Mathematics and Physical Science. Regarding to this Chemical Company, both of subjects are important to be considered by the Engen team. Keep in your mind that you only need to attach the copies, not the original matric from your faculties. The second requirement is about the age restriction. The candidates must be under 24 years old and still unemployed by any company in South Africa.

How to Apply

Applying Engen Learnerships may be the easiest one because all of the documents can be delivered via internet or online. In other words, the candidates shouldn’t have to go to the company. The closing date for learnerships are mostly 23 October. For detail information, you can access and see available programs on the page. Because of this ease, we do not provide the step by step of applying your documents. You just click the link above and you will be directed to their official website.

Engen Learnership Application Process

Engen learnership online applications will be available once the company opens this program yearly. Candidates can find more detail about the company on the Engen Website and the application on their Careers Page under Graduate Opportunities. Once the learnership program closes a shortlist will be made of potential candidates and only these will be contacted by Engen for the next step. Candidates who do not hear from Engen in a month or two after the applications have closed can assume their application has been unsuccessful.

Applicants are reminded to please only send certified copies of all documentation and NOT their originals as these cannot be returned. Adding reference letters, a short bio and a C.V. is beneficial. However, it does not guarantee a spot in the program.

Engen Learnerships

Closing dates for learnerships provided by Engen are around the middle of May or October every year. This company may also have altered closing dates for their different operations. Candidates must ensure that they complete the application form in full and that they attach all required documentation.